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Facebook Analytics For Target Marketing

Facebook Analytics For Target Marketing - WebCreatify


One of the fundamentals of Facebook advertising is to be able to measure the results and make decisions based on that data. Facebook Audience Insights, used wisely, helps you connect our brand directly to our customers. Facebook is one channel to interact with our audience.

But how do we know we’re reaching the right people? Analytics(

We need to dig deeper than knowing just the age and gender of our followers. We need more detailed insights like job titles, hobbies, and relationship status. So we can say, show, and share the right things. At the right time. With the right content.


It’s a tool to better understand our Facebook audience. Facebook Audience Insights (FAI) shows our aggregate information for three groups:

  • People connected to our Page.
  • People in our Custom Audience.
  • People on Facebook.

This will help us create more meaningful content. And, to find more people in our targeted audience.


Facebook Page Insights can help us answer these important business questions.

  • Reach and engagement: How many people saw our posts? Who interacted with them? Which posts did people hide? Did people report any posts as spam?
  • Actions: What actions do people take on our Page? How many people click our call-to-action button? How many people click through to our website?
  • People: What are the demographics of the people who visit our Page? (We can dive deeper into this topic with Audience Insights.) When do people visit our Page? How do people find our Page?
  • Views: How many people are viewing our Page? Which sections are they looking at?
  • Posts: How are we post performing over time?

We can access data going back a maximum of two years. This gives us a good set of long-term information to track our progress. It also means we’ll be able to identify any standout content that continues to spark engagement over the long term.

Tips for getting the most of our Facebook analytics

This might sound obvious, but it’s so important that it bears repeating. There’s very little point in tracking our performance if we don’t use that information to improve our results in the future.

Here are some ways we could tweak our strategy based on what we learn:

  • Rethink our target audience: Are the people who are actually visiting our Page the same people we thought would visit our page? Remember that we can get much more detail about our audience using another built-in Facebook Analytics tool, Audience Insights. But we get a good overview of the People section here. More importantly, who are the people that engage with our Page the most? In the Actions on the Page section, we can see who clicked on our contact information, call-to-action button, or website is broken down by age and gender, country, city, and device.

Try adjusting our Facebook content strategy to better align with the audience that naturally connects with us here.

  • Do what works and ditch what doesn’t: Look for trends in our content that performs well so we can create more posts like these. At the same time, watch for posts that trigger any negative engagement, like hiding posts or reporting as spam, to see if we can identify what went wrong (and avoid doing it again). We can find this information by selecting Reach in the left-hand menu.

And keep an eye on our unfollows. If we see a spike of people choosing to unfollow our page, look at the content we posted that day. Did you share something that annoyed our fans? We’ll find this information under the Followers tab in the left-hand menu.

  • Schedule our posts at the best times: Timing matters on Facebook. When we’re first getting started, it’s a good idea to time our posts based on data collected by experts. (Like Hootsuite! Check out our recommended best times to post on Facebook.) But once we have real data about our own Facebook Page, we can schedule our posts for the times our own specific audience is most likely to be online. We can find this information under Posts.
  • Optimize your Page for your preferred action: Facebook Page Insights shows us what actions people take on our website, from interacting with posts to clicking on our contact information to clicking through to our website. So how do those actions align with the goals stated in our Facebook marketing strategy? Think about what we really want people to do on our Page. Then use Page Insights to see which of the possible actions on our Page people engage with the most. How can we refine our Page to steer them in the direction of our preferred actions? Maybe we should consider changing our call-to-action button. Maybe we need to change our pinned post. Page Insights will help us see how small changes can have a big impact, and help make sure our Facebook Page is supporting our most important business goals.
  • Check back often: Checking in on Facebook Page Insights (2) is not a one-time activity. Our Facebook analytics data is constantly updating, so we’ll want to pay attention to any patterns we see developing. If we want to keep a permanent record or import our data into a different analytics tool, we can do that, too. Click Export Data on the top right of the overview tab to download data about our page from any 180-day period in the last two years. We can choose to download data for our Page, our posts, or our videos. Just choose the specific date range and file format that works best for us. 


There are lots of ways for us to keep up with our business’s Facebook presence as well as with that of our competitors. In the beginning, be sure to monitor our Facebook Insights and dig into our Google Analytics to learn more about the traffic Facebook sends to our website. Then try out the free and premium third-party tools to get an even deeper analysis into our Facebook campaign.

Rohit Tumane


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